Dr. David Mahloch
Music Theory
Email: david.j.mahloch@xlhl.net
Phone: 601.979.2141
Location: F.D. Hall Music Center
Studio 14
D.M.A., The University of Alabama, Music Composition, 2011
M.M., Mississippi College, Music Composition, 2004
B.M., Mississippi College, Music Composition, 2002
Research Interests:
Analysis of Late-Romantic Music, Schenkerian Analysis, and Serial Music of Edison Denisov
Courses Taught:
Introduction to Music Theory, Music Theory I, II, III, & IV, Aural Skills and Musicianship I, II, & III, Species Counterpoint, Form
and Analysis, Orchestration, Musical Composition, Graduate Music Theory Review, and Pedagogy of Music Theory.
Professional Membership:
Southeastern Composers League and Society of Composers, Inc.
Recent Publications and/or Creative Works:
3 Preludes for Piano, 2012
12 Preludes for Piano, 2014
Atlantis in the Abyss, Wind Ensemble 2015
Aubade, Orchestra, 2016
B-A-C-H Variations, flute, 2016
Cello Piano Interplay, 2014
Dialogue Grooves, Percussion Ensemble, 2016
Introduction and Rondo, Saxophone Quartet, 2017
Portraits of Winter, Orchestra, 2015
Quirky Quarks, Organ, 2013
String Quartet #2, 2014
Suite for Mixed Ensemble, fl, cl, bssn, pno, violin, viola, cello, 2014
Suite for Woodwinds, fl, ob, cl, bssn, 2014
To God Be the Glory, choir, pno, 2013
Toccata, Piano, 2015
Tubapercapsody, tuba, perc, 2016
Twilight with Emily Dickinson, sop, cl, vibe, pno, 2016